
Sending a Story Home

I was shocked by the devastating floods that hit Queesland shortly after Christmas. It’s very hard to be so far away and see such terrible pictures of the places you know. Luckily, my family and friends escaped without any serious damage.

Then a friend alerted me to a project called 100 stories for Queensland. The idea was to put together an anthology of stories to raise funds for flood victims. Authors were asked to donate stories…

I thought for a while about Queensland and the small town where I grew up.  Why is it that despite my travels, a part of me remains back there amid the gum trees and dust?  And then I started writing.

I was thrilled this morning to discover that more than 300 stories were donated to the project – which just goes to show how generous people can be.

I was even more thrilled to discover my story is to be included in the anthology – which will hopefully be released in March.

I’ll certainly be buying a copy… and urging everyone I know to do the same, to help out the people who are only just beginning to put their homes and lives back together.