
Three times the fun

I’m not much of a plotter. When I start a book, I have the characters firmly set in my head – but the plot is a different matter. I know broadly what I’m writing about – the journey my characters have to take – but the actual events… no idea!

 I tend to jump in with both feet and let the characters take me where they want to. Sometimes they’ll surprise even me. I love it when I start writing a scene and things just happen, without any conscious planning on my part. Those are usually my favourite scenes in the book.

But – not this time.

I’ve had this character in my head for a long time. She’s been a bit shy – she’s had some bad things happen in her past and she’s been in hiding. But now she’s stepped forward and it’s time for me to tell her story. She lives in an Australian outback mining town, and as I thought about her, other townsfolk came forward and started talking to me. They all have stories to tell.  So too does the town itself.

Now I’m writing a trilogy.


For a non-plotter, it’s a daunting prospect. I have to develop a story arc that covers three books.  I have to make sure that everything happens in the correct order – at the correct time and in the correct part of each characters story.

My desk
This is how I plot - only this time I am using orange and pink and yellow post-its too. And not just the desk - I think I'll need the wall as well.


I did a bit of plotting when I wrote Girl Racers – the whole book only covers seven days and it revolves around a car rally. I had to map out the rally course and spread key events over the seven days. By the time the books was done, my office was covered in maps and  multi-coloured timelines and my computer screen had sprouted this weird growth of post it notes.

A trilogy is going to make that look easy!

I wonder how webmaster John will feel about having the whole apartment wallpapered with post-its in tasteful shades of fluorescent yellow and green and orange.

Best keep the landlady out…  

I thought I’d share the process with you here on the blog.

My next step is going to be to construct a town… I’ll let you know how I’m going.