
Contests can be such fun

The Angel of the Waters
This statue of an angel was my desktop image and inspiration while writing Graveyard of the Immortals.

The results of the Valley Forge RWA Sheila award are in – and I’m third in the paranormal category, with a Manuscript called Graveyard of the Immortals. This was my first attempt at writing a paranormal romance, and I’m really chuffed to have done so well with it. Congrats to all the winners and finalists in all categories.

These competitions involve a lot of work from a lot of volunteers – so a big thank-you to them too.

One of the great things about being part of a writers’ organization, like RWA or RNA is that people help each other. Competitions are one way of doing this. Conference and workshops are another. Then there’s just the simple support and encouragement that helps us all when we need it.

I’ve volunteered to help by reading entries in a couple of contests for unpublished writers. The organizers have just sent me some entries to read. I’m really looking forward to it… who knows… in years to come I might be able to point to some hugely successful author and say – I read one of her manuscripts before she was published!

Whatever happens, l think it’s important to give back some of the support I received, and I’m always excited to encounter new writers… you never know what’s ahead.