I always enjoy meeting people who love reading as much as I do. It’s a great pleasure to visit libraries and bookshops and reading groups, to talk about my books.

If you see me out and about – do drop by and say hello. You don’t even have to buy a book (although if you do – it would be my very great pleasure to sign it for you).

If you’d like me to talk to your group, or at your event, just e-mail me at janet@janetgover.com.

If you have any questions regarding the site, email the webmaster: info@janetgover.com.

Romancing The URL Viewers' Choice badge This web site was designed by John Hocking. In July 2015 it won a Viewers’ Choice Award in the inaugural West Houston RWA Romancing The URL competition.


Media Resources

This biography and accompanying images are available for media use.

Click here for a Biography in Microsoft Word format.

Click on the thumbnails below to open the images or right-click to download.
Janet Gover by Marte Lundby RekaaJanet Gover by Marte Lundby RekaaJanet Gover by Marte Lundby RekaaThe Wild One published by Choc LitFlight to Coorah Creek published by Choc LitBring Me Sunshine published by Choc LitGirl RacersThe Bachelor and Spinster BallThe Farmer Needs A Wife