
PBM – Post Book Meltdown

The scribbled-over printed chapters, graphs and notes on donkey notepaper are all part of the final checks I do on every book,
The scribbled-over printed chapters, graphs and notes on donkey notepaper are all part of the final checks I do on every book,

It’s done. The second Coorah Creek novel is now in the hands of my lovely publisher Choc Lit.

And I am having what webmaster John calls my post-book meltdown.

After months of working on the book, of living with the characters and their story every day – letting go is hard.

So for the next week, I refuse to be responsible for my actions… I always plan to take several days off (day job permitting) and just waste time.

I start the meltdown by eating chocolate and drinking red wine…

Then I retire to the sofa with my knitting and my favourite films for about two days. Love Actually,  An Affair to Remember and Pretty Woman usually get a run as do all three Lord of the Rings films.

During this time a scarf or two may be knitted – or a jumper, or a blanket for the cat (who keeps a vigil beside me during the meltdown). I might also finish the three knitting projects I have started since this book began, but not actually finished yet.

After emerging from the sofa, there will be lunch with the girls – and that may involve wine.

Shopping is always a possibility.

And if the weather is nice – the garden calls. It is nice to have some fresh air after being chained (well – not literally) to a computer screen these last few weeks struggling to meet my deadline.

Having said all this – I have a confession to make. The idea for the next book is right at the front of my brain. The characters are standing behind me, tapping me on the shoulder (no –  not literally – I am not totally mad) – so there is a good chance I may create a new document called chapter one tomorrow and start writing. Well – not tomorrow – I might force myself to wait a few more days.

I have research to do before I start writing again.

On top of my big bookcase, folders and bags contain the research notes and rough printouts of all my books and short stories - just in case I ever need them again.
On top of my big bookcase, folders and bags contain the research notes and rough printouts of all my books and short stories – just in case I ever need them again.