
On Tour with The Wild One

What a fabulous cover the lovely people at ChocLit have given me.
The Wild One – a book I am rather proud of. It’s very close to my heart.

It sounds like a rock concert tour doesn’t it – but I’m referring to all the fun I’ve been having on the book tour. This isn’t a tour that involves planes and hotel rooms – I see them all the time on the day job. This is a blog tour – and, to tell you the truth – it’s a lot of fun.

I love book blogs – they are places where anyone who loves books can pop by and discover… well, more books and more authors to love. My groaning bookshelves are suffering partly as a result of books I’ve found on the blog sites.

As for the book bloggers – what higher praise can I give than they are true book lovers, who support books and the people who write them.

I love you all – really I do.

On this tour – I have been writing about Brumbies, about Australian as a language and I’ve even contributed a map.

Of course, I haven’t been able to do this without talking a great deal about Dan Mitchell – the hero of The Wild One – and the townsfolk of Coorah creek.

So – do pop by some of these lovely bloggers – not just to read my bits (although I’d love it if you did) – but also just to lose yourself in a world where absolutely EVERYONE loves book.

What a fab world it is. Don’t you wish the real world could be like that?

Bookaholic Confessions

Shaz’s Book Blog

Jera’s Jamboree

Crooks on Books

Books For Life

The Love of a Good Book

Being Anne

Thank you book bloggers for inviting me to drop by.