Autumn Writing retreat

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It’s a pleasure to announce the return of in-person weekend tutored writing retreats.

This Autumn I’ll be joining co-tutor Alison May for two retreats – and within days of being announced, the first one is already booked out. The good news is that we have added a second date – November 19th to 21st.

The retreats are all inclusive and include tutorials and workshops and a one to one review of a piece of each attendees work. Then there are the evenings spend just talking about all things writing and writing related with other authors. There’s no better way to get your writing mojo back, especially after a difficult period.

Some places are already spoken for – so get in now and book your slot.

All the details can be found here… and a link to the booking form.

We look forward to welcoming you – and getting stuff done!Β 


