New Books and new opportunities.

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I’ve got a lot of news to tell… so lets starts with the books. 

Cover for The Library at Wagtail Ridge by Janet GoverIn January, I had a new release – The Library at Wagtail Ridge. I just loved writing this book – and am so thrilled that readers seem to be enjoying it as well. It has been shortlisted for the Romance Writers of Australia Romantic Book of the Year Award. I am thrilled and very much looking forward to travelling to Australia soon for the ceremony. Even if I don’t win, its a chance to meet my editors at Harper Collins in person for the very first time. Not to mention all the other writers who’ll be there.  

The Library at Wagtail Ridge is a book about books, about family and community… and of course it’s a love story too. It also has Ollie – the cutest dog in the world.

You can find out more about the book (or buy it) here…

The Wild One by Janet GoverMy second release for the year is The Wild One. This book was originally published in the UK some years ago. It’s now found a new home in Australia and has a beautiful new cover. It’s ebook only, and available world-wide.

It’s a story of redemption. Of a community coming together to save a lost child, and the different ways in which a person can be lost. It has two love stories, and I still cry when I read the final scene.

Did I mention it won a couple of awards from Romance Writers of America. Oh yes – there are lots of horses in it too. 

It’s also available world wide on ebook, from all your favourite retailers, and you can read more about it here…  

And my third bit of news is for the writers out there – I have joined with two writing friends.. Alison May and Jeevani Charika to create Fiction Tutors. We are offering lots of learning opportunities, courses and retreats to suit all budgets. And there’s also a special service for Debut Authors – to help demystify the business of publishing. You can check it out here… 

Although we are based in the UK the online services are available to anyone, anywhere, who is writing a book and thinks they could use some help.

That’s all for now – but I do have more exciting book news to come – I ‘ll be back soon.






