Emily, The Jedi and Me.

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I know he wasn’t wearing the silly helmet when he recorded The Heights – but I might pretend he was.

I’ve been having some Sci Fi fun.

It started with the news that the audio edition of The Heights had been recorded ready for release. The actor who read the book was Jonathan Oliver. I immediately google him and found out that he’d played a role in Star Wars : Return of the Jedi. Ok – he was on the wrong side, but I still had an excited fan moment …. The original Star Wars films are among my favourite films of all time.

I also discovered that Jonathan has provided the voice for audio recordings of Jack Higgins and Alistair MacLean novels. My dad was a big fan of both authors and introduced me to them when I was still at school. I guess tastes change over time, but a couple of books by each author are still on my bookshelves.

Then – to properly round out my Sci Fi week, I found myself at the BBC – where a Dalek and the TARDIS were sitting in the reception area. A real Dalek and the actual TARDIS. I was a pretty happy geek girl.


If you fancy the idea of a link between Star Wars and Emily Bronte via the miners’ strike – you can pick up the audio book of The Heights here.

The Heights by Juliet Bell published by HQ Digital

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